How To Lower Home Insurance: Step-By-Step Guide

Raise Your Deductible To Lower Monthly Payments


make sure you have some savings built up first. That way you’ll still have a backup in the case of an accident.

Check For All Possible Discounts


Did you know that you might be eligible for a discount on your insurance? It’s true! Most home insurance companies offer discounts for a variety of things.

Higher Credit Score, Lower Prices


don’t forget your credit score. Around 85% of insurance companies base their rates at least partly on your credit score, so keep that in mind when looking.

Consider A Less Risky Location


Location matters, not just for real estate, but also for your insurance premiums. If you have the flexibility to choose where you live, consider opting for a less risky area.

Avoid Filing Small Claims


Save your insurance for significant incidents, ensuring that you have the necessary coverage when it matters most.